Broken Wing
Short film: A young girl struggles with dissociative identity disorder and journey of pain, love. humanity and reality of mental illness.
Short film: A girl falls in love with an imaginary boyfriend.
Short film: Narrative based on life after death.
Now and Never
Short film: Uncertainty surrounding love.
Me and Myself​
Short Film: The stark loneliness of a guy surrounded with friends on social media, but nobody to celebrate his birthday with.
Short experimental film:. Based on today's political backdrop where the people who get power forget the people who gave them that power.
Missing Title
Short film: Based on a true story of a Paktoon guy in Pakistan, who was arrested by authorities without any proof. Tortured and eventually found innocent, the guy is left is mental scarred for life.
Haad Bandi​
Short Film: Based on an inter-religion couple who love each deeply, but rejected by their communities, are sentenced to death.